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Turniej Tenisa Towarzystwa Biblioteki Polskiej



The Polish Library Association would like to invite you to the PLBA TENNIS TOURNAMENT 2014.

The tournament will be arranged as in the previous years and will take place on Sept 6th (Sat) from 9:30 AM to 6 PM. This day is not Labor Day, it will be Tennis Day. Every participant will play at least two matches, and matches will be limited to one set. The tournament will be open to all tennis players (regardless of gender and age) from the Polish Community.


Please sign up only with Edward Kolinski (e-mail: edkolins@frontier.com, phone: 503-531-9219.  The latest signup date is August 30, 2014 (one week before the tournament.

If you are new to our PLBA tournament please inform us about your age and skill level.


We will limit the number of participants to 32. The signup fee is $15 per person (which includes balls, sandwiches and drinks for the players). Juniors under 18  are free from fees.

We are looking for donors of prizes, (we have a limited budget and have to rent the 6 courts for the whole day).


The tournament will take place at Portland Community College – Rock Creek campus,  the same place as previously.

Please sign up as soon as possible. Don’t miss this great opportunity to have a picnic, meeting other tennis players, and learn as much as possible about tennis.


Tournament Committee members responsible for the event:

                                            Name                  Phone E-mail

Coordinator                  Edward Kolinski    503-531-9219    edkolins@frontier.com


Tournament Director    Jerzy Kolinski        503-629-0777    jerzy111@yahoo.com.


      Technical Consultant    Edward Korfanty   503-452-8267     ekorfanty@comcast.net


Member                        Andrzej Golonka    503-645-2056       ansylon@frontier.com  


Member                        Ignacy  Stawarz      503-645 5208


The Hostesses of the Tournament:  Karolina Kolinski & Dorota Kolinska.


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