
"Jaśnie Pan Jakub" teatr jednego aktora w Portland

"Jasnie Pan Jakub" - one actor theater from Poland 


Sunday, Mar 30, 1:00pm, at Polish Hall

One man show: HIS HIGHNESS MR JACOB - based on novel by Wieslaw Mysliwki - performed by Jerzy Kopczewski Buleczka, legendary actor from Cracow, Poland now celebrating 50 years of artistic endeavours.

Performance in Polish.

This type of theatrical production, a "one-actor show", is extremely popular in Europe and in Poland.  Mr. Jerzy Kopczewski, director, producer and the star of Jasnie Pan Jakub, has played both roles of Jacob the server and Jacob-the Lord over 700 times in the 30 years of his theatrical history.

Everyone is cordialy invited. 

Tickets $15 ($10 seniors, students & PLBA members) online, or at Grandpa's cafe.  More info: Dorota Zukowska: 503-975-0268.



Nabór do szkółki tenisowej dla pań

PLBA szkoli nowe tenisistki

Inicjatywa w sprawie nowego narybku tenisistek z kregu Poloni.

W zwiazku z brakiem dziewczat i kobiet w corocznym turnieju tenisowym PLBA grono entuzjastow tenisa pod kierunkiem Edwarda Kolinskiego, Doroty Kolinskej i Doroty Zukowskiej pragnie stworzyc szanse bezplatnego przeszkolenia chetnych dziewczat i kobiet w stopniu umozliwiajacym przeprowadzenie tegorocznego Turnieju Tenisowego PLBA z udzialem kobiet.
Warunki szkolenia:

  • Zgloszenie sie minimum 10  osob
  • Dobry stan zdrowia
  • Posiadanie rakiety tenisowej i ukonczenie 14 roku zycia.
  • Organizatorzy zabezpieczaja pilki i gwarantuja bezplatne korty w rejonie Cedar Hills Blvd w godz 5-8PM

Przewidujemy 5 oddzielnych spotkan 2godzinnych z kazda osoba, co gwarantuje poznanie elementow gry: forhand, backhand, voley, smecz,serw, gra przy siatce, zasady gry, itp nazewnictwo.
            Kurs przewidujemy w m-cu kwietniu i maju, turniej odbedzie sie w sierpniu lub wrzesniu.
Zgloszenia prosze kierowac do: lub tel 503 531 9219
Liczymy na szeroki odzew: tenis to piekna gra, hobby na wiele, wiele lat. 


Polish Music at Polish Hall - Celebration of Mazurkas

Sunday, April 13th, 2014 - 1:00PM

Polish Hall
3832 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97227
United States


Fine regional pianists: Dianne Davies, Ruta Kuzmickas, Mitchell Falconer perform mazurkas of three immortal Polish composers: Fryderyk Chopin, Karol Szymanowski, Roman Maciejewski. MT Duo: Tatiana Kolchanova - violin & Mary Rowell - viola; with selected Chopin mazurkas and traditional Polish folk melodies from Oskar Kolberg collection.

+ Agnieszka Laska Dancers with Ruta Kuzmickas in Chopin Project!

Poland's most distinctive music is as sweet as its finest dessert; Mazur and Mazurek, respectively (Mazurka in English); baked only at Easter time. The weekend before Easter this year, we'll be enjoying both at Polish Hall  admission: $10, all inclusive (entertainment and desserts).
Mazurek cakes, baked in local Polish kitchens, will be served with coffee and tea. Selected fine Polish liqueurs will be available (in moderation, of course) at Grandpas' cafe, in the lower level of Polish Hall.

The musical mazurka (in Polish, mazurek ) traditionally accompanies a Polish folk dance in triple meter, usually at a lively tempo, accented on the second or third beat, though there are slower, more lyrical ones as well. We will provide some education about this and Marek Grzelak + Zyta Nagler will demonstrate the traditional dance. Agnieszka Laska Dancers will perform excerpt of acclaimed Chopin Project with Ruta Kuzmickas on piano.


"Jasnie Pan Jakub" - by Jerzy Kopczewski Buleczka

Sunday, March 30th, 2014 - 1:00PM

Polish Hall
3832 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97227
United States


HIS HIGHNESS MR JACOB (Jasnie Pan Jakub) is a monodram based on a novel by Wiesław  Mysliwski, a Polish author whose work is set in the country-side of southern Poland, near the town of Sandomierz,  performed by Jerzy Kopczewski "Buleczka."

This type of theatrical production, a "one-actor show", is extremely popular in Europe and in Poland.  Mr. Jerzy Kopczewski, director, producer and the star of Jasnie Pan Jakub, has played both roles of Jacob  the server and Jacob-the Lord over 700 times in the 30 years of his theatrical history. 

The three part played is a description of Jacob, a simple farmhand boy, who imagines into existence his proprietor, his lord and master. Simple Jacob, in his imagination, brings to life a monster, many times worse than Jacob's proprietor in real life. 

"JAŚNIE PAN JAKUB " - wg prozy najwybitniejszego współcześnie żyjącego prozaika polskiego Wiesława MYŚLIWSKIEGO (dwukrotny laureat nagrody literackiej NIKE). Spektakl pokazuje sylwetkę człowieka, który siłą chorej wyobraźni z parobka zamienia się w swojego ciemiężcę, dziedzica. Znany w literaturze światowej motyw "z chłopa - król" znajduje w spektaklu pełne urzeczywistnienie. Bohater Myśliwskiego kiedyś, to dzisiaj jakby Wałęsa z jego ludzkimi, najbardziej mrocznymi cechami: egoizmem, zarozumiałością, pychą, skłonnością do pogardy drugim człowiekiem. Spektakl trwa 1 godzine, 45 minut.


Polish Music at Polish Hall - Igor Lipinski - piano recital

Friday, March 14th, 2014 - 7:30PM

Polish Hall
3832 N Interstate Ave
Portland, OR 97227
United States

BUY TICKETS ONLINE     read preview: Magician at the Piano

Polish Music at Polish Hall - Igor Lipinski - piano recital - West Coast Debut, program: all Polish composers, rarely heard: Stojowski, Godowski, Leszetycki, Friedman, plus Paderewski and Chopin.

“As a pianist on the cusp of his career, Igor Lipinski holds a special card in his hands. His performances are magical. Literally.” — Buffalo News

Igor Lipinski made his American orchestra debut with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra playing Paderewski Piano Concerto under the baton of JoAnn Falletta. The performance was broadcast on National Public Radio's Performance Today. As a soloist, he recently performed with Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra under Michael Butterman, Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra under Matthew Kraemer and he made a special New Year's Day appearance with the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra in Hyannis, Massachusetts under the baton of Jung-Ho Pak.

POLISH MUSIC AT POLISH HALL in 2014 is supported by Multnomah County Cultural Coalition, Oregon Cultural Trust, Polish Library Association, St Stanislaus Parish an Polish Festival. Concert piano thanks to Michelle's Pianos.