
Poland - 100 Years - Free Again - Celebrate

Portland Polonia celebrate the centenary of the reconstitution of a sovereign Polish nation, achieved through the 1918, WWI Armistice, Treaty of Versailles. Sharing in the celebration are Polish Festival, Cascadia Composers and Willamette Falls Symphony. We offer  rarely heard works by Polish composers and original musical compositions by regional composers, all in the Western Classical Concert Hall Tradition. Regional musicians and composers come together on two different stages: Sat., Nov. 10 at Portland's Polish Hall and Sun., Nov. 11 at Milwaukie High School Auditorium - details below.
Historical background: 
Poland began to form into a recognizable unitary and territorial entity around the middle of the 10th century under the Piast dynasty. Poland's first historically documented ruler, Mieszko I, accepted Christianity with the Baptism of Poland in 966, as the new official religion of his subjects.
Poland was a nation state from 1025 AD, when Bolesław I "the Brave" became the first Polish ruler to receive the title of "rex" (Latin: "king") and rebuked fealty to the Holy Roman Empire. Followed then a tumultuous history, which led to Poland's being fully partitioned and occupied by the Russians, Prussians and Hapsbergs from 1795 to 1918. Through this virtually stateless period, Polish culture survived primarily though the Catholic Church and deeply rich local traditions, but equally significant was the dedication of Polish artists to their national identity, many in exile, most notable: poet, Adam Mickiewicz and composer,  Fryderyk Chopin.
Our celebration is not centered on historic personalities, places nor on dates. Rather, we celebrate the perseverance of dignity, artistic freedom and empowerment of human pride. 
Sat., Nov. 10, the up-and-coming Delgani String Quartet, with pianist Asya Gulua, perform Cascadia Composers' original scores: all new works, composed by Jay DerderianMatthew KaminskiStephen LewisLiz Nedela and Paul Safar, in celebration of the centenary, and which share the stage with Karol Szymanowski's "String Quartet no. 2".
Polish buffet banquet from Taste of Old Poland and Grandpa's cafe = Delicious Polish food + glass of wine for only $20
Sun, Nov. 11, The symphonic offering is purely Polish (all Polish composers). The burgeoning Willamette Falls Symphony, conducted by Artistic Director Mark Perlman is joined by London-based, Portland native, violinist Darin Qualls, leading a program of rarely heard Polish music with Henryk Wieniawski's "Violin Concerto No.2 in D minor".  

more info


Proud sponsors of Portland celebration:

Polish Library Building Association
Polish Festival PDX
St Stanislaus Parish
Cascadia Composers
Willamette Falls Symphony
Consulate General of Poland in Los Angeles
Matt Czyzewski
Joseph Bylina

Agnieszka Laska & Jack Gabel



25th Polish Festival is here!





This year our main entertainer at Polish Festival is folk dance group JEDLINIOK from Wroclaw, Poland. 18 dancers and musicians will arrive to Portland for 3 days - host one or two!  Open your heart, open your home for this amazing, talented, young people. They will be in the middle of 3 month long tour across USA! For details contact Agnieszka Laska: agnieszka_laska (at) comcast.netphone: 503-799-0387
The group arrives Friday Sept 21st, departs Tuesday Sept 25th.  Polish Festival 2018 is on September 22 & 23 (Saturday & Sunday).  

W tym roku goscimy na naszym festiwalu Zespół Pieśni i Tańca JEDLINIOK z Wroclawia, 18 tancerzy i muzykow z Polski przybedzie do Portland na 3 dni - przyjmij jedna, dwie osoby!  Okaz serce i polska goscinnosc mlodym artystom, w trakcie ich 3-miesiecznej trasy koncertowej po USA! 
Informacja: Agnieszka Laska: agnieszka_laska(at), tel: 503-799-0387
Grupa przyjezda do Portland w piatek 21, wyjezdza we wtorek 25  wrzesnia.
Polski Festiwal 2018 jest  22 & 23 wrzesnia (sobota i niedziela).


25th Polish Festival needs you! 


It takes over 300 volunteers to run the Polish Festival. Since the Polish community in Portland is relatively small, we need help. As you volunteer, you will have the opportunity to make new friends within the local Polish community. Help is most needed with food preparation, food sales, and in the children's village. SIGN UP HERE


25 Polski Festiwal - zostan woluntariuszem!
Co roku ok 300 osob pracuje ochotniczo w trakcie Polskiego Festiwalu - jest to najwieksza tego typu impreza na zachodnim Wybrzezu, z ponad 20-letnia tradycja. Zostan woluntariuszem! Poznaj nowych przyjaciol i pomoz przy przygotowaniu/sprzedazy pysznego jedzenia, polskiego piwa albo w wiosce dzieciecej. ZAPISY


Making golabki and bigos for the Polish Festival

Come and help to prepare Golabki and Bigos for the Polish Festival. Every pair of hands is welcome. The session will take place at the St. Stanislaus church (in the basement) on the following days:              
        Monday, August 13, 9am-7pm
        Tuesday, August 14, 9am-7pm
St. Stanislaus church, 3916 N. Interstate Ave (entry from the Failing St). 
The coordinators are Ala & Jarek Fiszer: phone: 360-936-6564, or sign up here:  
The 25th Polish Festival 2018 is on September 22 & 23 
More info:

Zapraszamy na przygotowanie golabkow i bigosu na Polski Festiwal 2018.
poniedzialek, wtorek 13, 14 sierpnia 9:00-19:00
Sala Parafialna, 3916 N. Interstate Ave
 Prosimy o zglaszanie do Ali i Jarka Fiszerow: kontakt,
lub telefon 360-936-6564 lub zapisywac sie tutaj
25 Polski Festiwal 22, 23 wrzesnia 2018 
wiecej informacji:


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