Add Comment > New Portland Polonia web site is here.

After many years of on and off decisions the new Portland Polonia web site is alive! With the current change every group is responsible for the content of their own part of the site. I hope the information displayed will be more up to date and it will provide our community and friends with many useful topics.
Please let me know of any suggestions for the changes as well as links to include.

February 19, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTomek Milowski

My family attended the Polish Festival this Fall and had a wonderful time. The food was great, we danced with performers and it was wonderful. Certainly the place to be!

While at the festival we cruised the arts and crafts tents and wanted to make contact with one provider but we lost their business card. Is there anyone on the festival committee who might be able to help us find out the name and number of the provider?


March 28, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGene Jablonski

need more tables& chairs. peaple on lawn standing to eat. otherwise great!

September 24, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermarczewski

I was sad to check this site and find we had missed the festival for the first time in 8 yrs. Always counted on the last weekend in Sept. Had really been looking forward to this year as my father moved to Oregon recently and was excited to attend. He had hoped to try out his Polish as he's a bit rusty! Anyhow, is there a way I can join a mailing list so I can be informed in advance of any Polish community events? We do not live in the area but would gladly drive in to participate whenever possible. My dad has lived in CA for many years without any sort of Polish community to be part of, and he would love to enjoy that again in these later years of his life. Please let me know at your convenience, I've included my email for a response. Thank you!

September 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLaura Stallard

Odezwa do Polakow. Polacy mowcie I piszcie po Polsku chyba ze nalezycie do grupy komunistow ktorzy sie wstydza polskosci I jezyka polskiego. Na festiwalu nie ma nawet polskich flag I innych symboli polskosci. Polska ma wielu wspanialych ludzi nie tylko Chopena I mazurki!!! Taki "Polski "festiwal to kpina z Polakowi naszego kraju. Szkoda, ze wpajamy naszym dzieciom takie prymitywne pojecie o Polsce. Ich wizja o naszym rodzinnym kraju bedzie sie zawezala do zascianka I walacej sie wiejskiej chaty. Dajcie im europejski obraz nowoczesnej Polski. Organizatorzy badzcie prawdziwymi Polakami, Amerykanie was nie zjedza a nawet sie utozsamia ze swoimi polskimi przodkami,. Zorganizowac Polski festiwal to nie tylko wyscig po pieniadze ale pokazanie polskosci na scenie I dobrej polskiej kuchni ( a nie niedogotowanych golabkow lub polsurowego jedzienia) jak rowniez wokol calego festiwalu. Polska to nie prymitywny kraj I nie tylko muzyka goralska. . Polska to wyksztalceny I myslacy narod.

W imieniu organizacji:
Krzysztof Nowak - Prezydent Zwiazku Patriotow Polskich oraz
czlonkowie zarzadu - Zbigniew Zagorski , Tadeusz Choluj , Andrzej Chociaj, Edward Abramczuk, Ignac Kusmierek , Wladyslaw Cyrtak, Janusz Tokajski I inni,